Sweet! My first review (that I know of, I'm sure someone's made their feelings about me known somewhere before). This was in BookFest for the Children's Book Festival. The review is for the book The Henny Penny Tree by Siobhán Parkinson.
I've not fully recovered from the Dublin Comic Con because I'm a delicate flower, but it was a great night. Or nights for other people who were partying a lot harder than I was. I really need to build up my stamina or maybe I should just not sit on concrete steps in cold weather while waiting round for people.
Anyway, here's an old colour sketch of Hellcat. She all twisty like a cat. Yep, cats are like that, all twisty and stuff. That's cats for ya.
Here are some sketches I did last night while watching Shaun of the Dead. As you can see they are totally inspired by the movie. I don't know why there's a turquoise tinge over the whole thing, if anything it should be yellowish.
Here's some more Japanese inspired stuff I've done. My little kokeshi dolls. Traditionally they're painted wood, but these I made out of paper clay. The smallest is little over an inch high, she was the first one I made. I've made three others for my family. The one on the left needs a little more sanding before she's fit for painting.
Here is a work in progress, which I started ages ago in my Moleskine. One day it may get finished, I don't know. But I'm pretty happy with the interim stages so far.